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Where are Black America’s Moses and Joshuas?

By August 26, 2019September 10th, 2019Blog

America has forced Blacks in our Country to face tough circumstance and answer some tough questions throughout the years. The lineage of our people has been full of pain and breakthroughs. Our journey is characterized by the truth that there is always purpose for our process. Slavery and Jim Crow were not horrific accidental events, but circumstances in time intended to prepare us for what our future. Our pain, difficulties and discouragement prepared us for lives of service and devotion.

Trials collectively endured as Black people, enable us to see past our current circumstances and look towards the promise of tomorrow. Our journey to the promise land at times feels like aimless wandering. In some ways we have prolonged our time in the wilderness with our own actions and lack of preparation. Some say that we are on the cusp of reaching the land of milk and honey, having elected our first Black President. If the land of milk and honey near, I simply ask “Where are our Moses and Joshuas?”

Moses was God’s chosen vessel to lead the people of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. It is noteworthy to point out that Moses was chosen for his appointed task. Today’s leaders within the Black community tend to be a byproduct of nepotism, popularity or, all too often, “recycling.” Many elections showcase accomplished Black politicians that have been on the political scene for decades. Noteworthy African American candidates either currently are serving in legislative positions or come out of political retirement to run.

Where and how are we cultivating viable candidates of color, Black, Latino, Asian and otherwise, to enter elected office? Is there a farm system for up and coming political Joshuas?